Monday, August 10, 2009


i am so blessed. i know that sounds generic and cliche but let me explain... last night we spent time at encounter sharing how God had worked in our lives during our time in mexico. the reason i feel blessed is because i love hearing how God has changed lives, especially the lives of the high school kids that we work with at church. shawn put so much hard work into the trip and i know that God put even more into it... knowing that all this work was poured into the trip and then seeing how lives were changed, it was so good. ahhh... blessed, i think that is a good word to use.

God changes my life so many times through people and the things they tell me about how the Lord is working in their lives. i seriously love it. that is something i miss so much about being at Moody... i felt like the group i spent time with was very intentional about this and i know that we all grew because of it. i really do think this is part of the reason, or a huge part of the reason God gave us each other. tell me about how God changes you! it shows me how God can change and mold me as well. tell everyone else too! why do we not say those things when we think about them? i know there are so many times i keep my mouth shut and don't share with others about the great God in my life and how He personally works to make me more like His Son.

i really do love the church. i love the community that it bring and i love that people step up and care for each other in a way that is like family. i feel like our church, bethel, has definitely been going through a season where this is very evident. i am once again... BLESSED... to be a part of this family.

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